Summer Institute

Welcome to the Summer Institute!

The Summer Institute is a 5-week faculty professional development for instructors interested in creating or redesigning an online or hybrid course. The Institute will emphasize innovative teaching and learning as well as high-quality course design.

desk full of design and planning items including sketches and clips

Who Should Apply

We are looking for instructors teaching online or hybrid courses who want to create engaging courses that result in measurable and meaningful learning outcomes for their students.

Instructors should be preparing a course to be taught in the upcoming Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 semesters.

What to Expect

Attendees will use their time in the Summer Institute to focus on course improvements highlighting this year's theme: Engaging Student Voice to Craft Learner-Centered Courses. 

To support attendees in this endeavor, instructors will be enrolled in a Canvas course where they will receive professional development and complete weekly activities focused on learner-centered design and high-impact course enhancements. Most weekly activities will be completed asynchronously, but there will be one weekly synchronous Live Session and Drop-in Hours with the OXP Team (via Zoom). Participants should expect to commit at least 5 hours per week to completing these asynchronous and synchronous weekly activities. 

Summer Institute Goal: Participants will design courses, content, and activities that promote student choice, interaction, and agency.

By the end of the Summer Institute, instructors will have demonstrated their ability to:

  1. Create clear, student-centered objectives using backward design
  2. Develop consistent, logical course navigation with a customized course template
  3. Adapt course materials to adhere to accessibility standards 
  4. Develop a plan for increasing student-instructor engagement
  5. Create interactive learning opportunities that help students gain skills and retain knowledge.

Instructors will leave the Summer Institute with an improved course design that is navigable, accessible, and engaging as well as aligned to the Texas State University Best Practices Checklist.

Participating instructors are expected to enhance a course to be taught in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 and assist OXP in evaluating student success and satisfaction at the end of the semester.
Additionally, participants may be asked to serve as part of OXP’s Faculty Mentor Corps to help their peers in the future! 

Benefits & Stipends


Instructors participating in the Summer Institute have the opportunity to:

  • Become highly effective in the principles and practices of distance teaching and learning 
  • Network with faculty from your discipline and other disciplines 
  • Improve student engagement and learning 
  • Improve course evaluations 
  • Receive personalized Field Test Reports and future revision suggestions
  • Serve as an OXP Faculty Mentor Corps member 
  • Research, conference presentation, and publication opportunities 
  • Contribute to the success of Texas State’s strategic plan for quality distance education 


Attendees will earn a $1200 stipend for successful completion of the Summer Institute. Stipends will be processed once deliverables are completed and reviewed by the OXP Team. 


Every week of the Summer Institute will focus on a topic related to this year’s theme, Engaging Student Voice to Craft Learner-Centered Courses. Corresponding to each week of the Institute there will be a deliverable—a tangible enhancement to your online or hybrid course.

In total, 5 deliverables will be submitted via the Summer Institute Canvas course. 

Key Dates

Applications Open: March 6, 2023 
Applications Due: April 21, 2023
Applicants Notified: April 29, 2023
Summer Institute Orientation: May 22, 2023, from 9 am –12 pm (via Zoom) 
Summer Institute Live: May 22 – June 30, 2023(Asynchronous & Synchronous*)  

*Synchronous weekly Live Sessions will be scheduled after polling participants.