Instructional Design Services

We are committed to providing the highest quality of services and resources for our faculty and department partners. OXP provides course consultations with faculty to apply current research on learning and innovative teaching practices that support student-centered learning. An array of faculty development training and workshops and support for the design and effective use of active learning spaces, including training faculty on teaching with technology.

We Provide:

Graphic artwork representing Instructional Design

Services For Online and Hybrid Faculty

Person with headset on sitting in front of a laptop

Course Design Consultations

The Instructional Design Services team is available for one-on-one consultations to support online and hybrid faculty in designing their courses.

Consultation topics may include but are not limited to:

Course Review

An Instructional Designer will review your course using the Texas State Best Practice Checklist and make suggestions for improvement.


Support in making your course more accessible using principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Course Mapping

Support in planning out your course and aligning course materials, activities, and assessments to learning outcomes.

Course Interactivity

Support creating engaging, interactive content and activities for your online course.


Support in designing formative and summative assessments to measure student achievement of learning outcomes.

OER Integration

Support developing and integrating OER learning materials within your online or hybrid course.

Active Learning Strategy

Guidance on implementing active learning strategies in your online classroom.

Design Tool Support

Assistance using course design tools in Canvas such as DesignPLUS, TidyUP, H5P, and other design tools.

Instructor leading a class in front of students

Faculty Professional Development

Online & Extended Programs offers faculty professional development for online and hybrid faculty, including the Teaching Online @ Texas State Certification course and the annual Summer Institute. You can also request group training and professional development on instructional design topics such as Accessibility, Active Learning Online, Course Mapping, and Instructor Presence. 

student taking a test on the floor next to laptop

Online Proctoring

Using online proctoring adds a layer of security to distance and hybrid courses while allowing students to take tests outside a classroom or testing space.

instructor giving a lecture in front of a chalkboard. A camera sits on the desk filming her

Teaching Continuity Guide

Situations may arise that might require faculty to temporarily offer some of their class online with minimal notice including a campus closure or absenteeism (faculty or a significant number of students) during illness or emergency. This guide is designed to provide a starting place for making this transition quickly if necessary and to make some recommendations in case faculty would like to anticipate a need and make advance preparations.

Award for Excellence

The Award for Excellence in Online Teaching

Nominations will be accepted for the Award for Excellence in Online Teaching beginning on March 31, 2025. Learn more about this annual award and nominate yourself for the 2026 award!

Golden Trophy

Services For Academic Departments

Online & Hybrid Program Design

Our team is available to consult with departments on the design of online or hybrid Academic programs. This may include mapping and aligning program and course-level outcomes, creating program-specific course templates, or planning program evaluation. 

various design tools laid around a worktable

Course Design & Development

For online, hybrid, and correspondence courses, we can provide a comprehensive and systematic approach to design and development. This process is led by Instructional Designers in collaboration with faculty Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).  

During a Comprehensive Course Design and Development project, the Instructional Design team may provide: 

  • Project management.
  • Collaborating with SMEs on a planning matrix.
  • Working with SMEs to develop learning materials, activities, and assessments (such as video lectures, interactive content, and assignments.)
  • Building course content into the Canvas LMS.
  • Developing and implementing an evaluation plan.
Instructor with students at a table


Is your department interested in using micro-credentials to highlight skills gained by students in your academic programs? With competency-based hiring on the rise, micro-credentials provide our students with an important means of demonstrating that they have the skills needed to get the job done.   

Micro-credentials are “short, focused credentials designed to provide in-demand skills, know-how, and experience” (SUNY).  

At Texas State University, Online and Extended Programs manages the creation and awarding of micro-credentials. By aligning to labor market data and implementing competency-based assessment, we offer credentials that are valued by employers and learners alike.  

graphic of puzzle pieces with the word Micro-credentials written across

Services for Non-Academic Programs, Grant Projects, and External Organizations

Services for non-academic programs, grant projects, and external organizations may have associated costs depending on the needs and scope of the project. Please contact ODEL for assistance with scoping and pricing your project.

Instructor with students at a table

Course Design & Development

For online, hybrid, and correspondence courses, we can provide a comprehensive and systematic approach to design and development. This process is led by Instructional Designers in collaboration with faculty Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).  

During a Comprehensive Course Design and Development project, the Instructional Design team may provide: 

  • Project management.
  • Collaborating with SMEs on a planning matrix.
  • Working with SMEs to develop learning materials, activities, and assessments (such as video lectures, interactive content, and assignments.)
  • Building course content into the Canvas LMS.
  • Developing and implementing an evaluation plan.
Instructor with students at a table

Course Hosting and Enrollment

The Online and Extended Programs operates an instance of Canvas, Texas State’s Learning Management System (LMS), specifically for non-academic programs and Continuing Education courses. Through our LMS, we host courses that can be delivered to external, non-Texas State students. 

As part of our hosting services, we offer seamless learner enrollment through Canvas Catalog—a platform that allows learners to directly purchase and automatically enroll in courses. We can manage the administrative burden of enrollment and fees for you! 

graphic of puzzle pieces with the word Micro-credentials written across


With competency-based hiring on the rise, micro-credentials provide job seekers with an important means of demonstrating that they have the skills needed to get the job done.   

Micro-credentials are short, shareable credentials designed to provide verified evidence of in-demand competencies or skills.  

At Texas State University, Online and Extended Programs coordinates the creation and awarding of micro-credentials. By aligning with labor market data and implementing competency-based assessment, we offer credentials that are valued by employers and learners alike.