Best Practices Checklist for Online and Hybrid Courses

To Be Completed by the Online or Hybrid Course Instructor

Please complete the following form to demonstrate that quality standards in online learning are being met at our university in compliance with SACSCOC and THECB requirements.

For information on the sources of the Best Practices Checklist, visit the Best Practices Sources page.

Instructional Faculty Information 

Highest Degree Earned *
Which training activities and continuing education have you completed in order to develop and teach the online or hybrid course? Select all that apply:

Course Information

(e.g., Functional Biology)
Did you author the course for which you are completing this Checklist? *
Course Level: *
Credit Type: *

Not all items below will apply to all online and hybrid courses. 


Section 1: Introductory Course Materials *
The syllabus I have posted includes the following (Select all that apply): *
Specific information included in the syllabus about Texas State University includes the following (Select all that apply):
Section 1 (cont.): Introductory Course Materials - My syllabus also includes information on the following (Select all that apply):

Section 2: Course Content
These unit/lesson/module-level objectives are
Section 2: Course Content, cont. *

Section 3: Learner Activities *
The assessment strategies I use include the following (Select all that apply): *
Section 3: Learner Activities, cont.

Section 4: Communication and Interaction *
My interaction with students includes the following (Select all that apply): *

Section 5: Course Technologies *

Section 6: Accessibility and Copyright *

* For information on the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI tools) adopted by the university, including a list of tools that have been adopted, visit the External Apps in Canvas website.

**For information on the TEACH Act, visit the TEACH Act LibGuides website.


Signature and Certification Statement 


By entering my name in the field above and by checking the box below, I certify that *