Master of Arts in Adult, Professional and Community Education
M.A. Adult Professional, and Community Education

36 Minimum Credit Hours
100% Online Program
The online M.A. in Adult, Professional, and Community Education program (Work, Community, and Continuing Education Concentration) is designed to provide the expertise and experience to develop, implement, and lead adult, professional, community, and continuing education programs in a variety of settings such as workforce development agencies, colleges and universities, businesses, public schools, healthcare settings, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and workplaces of all kinds. Required coursework emphasizes adult learning and development; program administration and leadership, needs assessment, instructional design, implementation, management, and evaluation; research methodologies; teaching methodologies; and multicultural perspectives in adult education.
The program educates scholar-practitioners for diverse roles as trainers, facilitators, teachers, staff developers, evaluators, and administrators.
Program Mission
The Master of Arts in Adult, Professional, and Community Education is an academically rigorous and student-focused program, designed for individuals working in or aspiring to work in adult education programs in diverse settings including community-based organizations, government agencies, business and industry, and post-secondary education programs for adults. The program prepares reflective practitioners to teach, develop, and manage adult educational programs and to conduct applied research for the improvement of practice.
Career Options
The program educates scholar-practitioners for diverse roles as teachers, staff developers, evaluators, and administrators. Graduates are found in government agencies, corporations, colleges and universities, the military, and community organizations including libraries, museums, parks, schools, workforce development foundations, NGOs, social services, religious organizations, adult literacy, and adult basic education programs.
Career Outlook Statistics

Advanced Credentials
Established in 1989, the Texas State University Master of Arts in Adult, Professional and Community Education program recently moved its Workforce, Community and Continuing education concentration fully online and boasts faculty members with over 80 years of experience preparing human resource developers, ESL/EFL instructors, and community educators in the United States and abroad. They publish ground-breaking research, establishing the connection between theory and practice relevant for researchers and practitioners. Their research has been published in top-tier journals such as the Journal of Studies in International Education, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, The Modern Language Journal, Foreign Language Annals, Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal, Adult Learning, New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Adult Education Quarterly, Human Resource Development Review, Advances in Developing Human Resources, Gender Work and Organization, and Qualitative Health Research. Additionally, the faculty have leading books on adult learning theory, bilingualism among U.S. immigrants, ESL learning, and multiculturalism in Adult Education.