Online tutoring is available 24/7 through for all online self-paced courses. Click on in the left menu of your course in Canvas to access this resource.
Free Tutoring
University Writing Center
The Texas State University Writing Center’s online tutoring service allows Texas State online self-paced study students, to work with a writing tutor in real time in an online environment. During the online tutorial, both the student and the tutor are able to see the student's work on screen and can speak to one another via chat and/or microphone. Just as in regular University Writing Center appointments, the tutor can help with any stage of the writing process—from brainstorming to various drafts to polishing the final draft.

Online self-paced study students who are also currently enrolled, degree-seeking students at Texas State are eligible to receive free in-person tutoring on the Texas State campus, through the Texas State Math Lab, or at the Student Learning Assistance Center (SLAC); these students may also receive online tutoring through SLAC’s Online Writing Lab.